30-Day Home Declutter Challenge

Couple doing the 30 day declutter challenge together

Is your home fit to burst at the seams with stuff? Do you feel a sense of dread every time you open a closet or drawer? It's time to take control of your space with our 30-Day Home Declutter Challenge! This month-long adventure will convert your home from cluttered chaos to calm clarity. Each day will have one section only to work on, so it's easy-peasy!


Pssst, before you begin this challenge, be sure to check out some self storage options to help you out during the process!

Day 1: Make a Game Plan

A man and a woman making a 30 day home declutter challenge plan


Before you start tossing things left and right, take a moment to survey your realm. Walk through your home and identify the worst clutter hotspots. Is it the overflowing junk drawer in the kitchen? Or the closet that's ready to explode? Make a mental note of these areas — they're your targets for the coming month.

Try to set up a "donation station" in your home. This could be a corner in your guest room or a spot in the hallway. Gather some boxes and bags for items you'll be saying goodbye to but can still donate.

Day 2: Purse Purge

Let's start small. Dump out the contents of your wallet, purse, or everyday bag. You might be surprised at what's lurking in there! Toss out old receipts, wrappers, sweets, and general clutter that you haven't used in years. Keep only the essentials. Your posture will thank you for lightening the load!

Day 3: Kitchen Cabinet Cleanout

Time to take on those kitchen cabinets. Pull everything out and purge the expired food and spices. If you find any unopened, non-perishable items you know you won't use, consider donating them to a local food bank. While you're at it, give those cabinets a good wipe-down. A fresh start for your fresh shelves!

Day 4: Refrigerator Refresh

Toss out anything past its prime and give those shelves a good scrub too! Fun challenge: Try creating a meal using only what's left in your fridge after you've culled the expired parts. Play your own personal episode of "Chopped"!

Day 5: Bathroom Blitz

A man clearing out a messy bathroom


Let's have a good, long look at those bathroom cabinets. Be ruthless with those old cosmetics and skincare products. If you can't remember when you bought it, it's probably time to say goodbye. Remember to check expiration dates on medications and dispose of them properly. Then put everything where it's supposed to go, and not all over the place!

Day 6: Closet Cleanout

This might be a tough one, but your closet will thank you. Sort your clothes into three boxes:

  1. Keep
  2. Donate
  3. Toss

Be honest with yourself – if you haven't worn it in a year (and it's not a special occasion outfit), it's time to let it go.

Day 7: Book Shelves

Bookworms, this one's for you. Go through your collection and decide which books deserve a spot on your shelf. Consider donating books you've read and won't revisit to your local library or school. You're basically sharing the literary love! Also, clear the shelves of other things that shouldn't be there, and give it a wipe down.

Day 8: Neaten Your Nightstand

Your nightstand should be a clear station, not a catch-all for random stuff. Clear it off completely, then only put back the essentials. A lamp, your current read, and maybe a small plant are all you need for sweet dreams.

Day 9: Living Room Lounging

A woman sorting out her living room


The living room is supposed to be the heart of the home, but it can quickly become the local dumping ground. Do a quick sweep, putting away anything that doesn't belong. Find homes for items that tend to accumulate here, like remote controls or magazines.

Day 10: Justice for the Junk Drawer  

We all have that one drawer (or maybe more) filled with random bits and bobs. Empty it out completely and sort through the contents. Keep only what you actually use and find proper homes for the rest. Look into using small containers or dividers to keep your things organised.

Day 11: Shoe Shuffle

Line up all your shoes and channel your inner Cinderella. If the shoe doesn't fit (or you haven't worn it in ages), it's time to bid it farewell. Donate shoes in good condition and throw away the ones that have seen better days and are a bit on the holey side.

Day 12: Coffee Table Clear-Out

Your coffee table shouldn't be a makeshift storage unit. Clear it off completely, give it a good dusting, and only put back a few select items. A scented candle, a small plant, and maybe a stylish coaster set are all you need.

Day 13: Hallway Hustle

Hallway closets can become black holes of forgotten items. Tackle yours by removing everything and only putting back what you actually use.

Day 14: Toy Story

Parents picking up their children’s toys


If you have kids, you know the struggle of toy overload. Work with your little ones to sort through their collections. Encourage them to donate items they've outgrown to kids in need.

Day 15: Desk Declutter

Whether you work from home or just need a space for household admin, a tidy desk can boost productivity. Clear everything off, wipe it down, and only return the essentials. Use organisers or trays to keep small items corralled.

Day 16: Digital Detox

Don't forget about your virtual clutter! Delete unnecessary files and photos from your devices. Unsubscribe from emails you never read and unfollow social media accounts that don't contribute to your happiness. A tidy digital life can be just as refreshing as a tidy home.

Day 17: Paper Push

Time to tackle that pile of papers you've been avoiding. Shred sensitive documents you no longer need and file away important ones. Consider scanning documents to keep digital copies and reduce your physical clutter.

Day 18: Craft Corner Clean-Up

If you're a crafty DIY person, you know how quickly supplies can accumulate. Sort through your stash and donate items for hobbies you no longer enjoy. Organise what's left in clear containers to see what you have at a glance.

Day 19: Garage Grind

The garage can easily become a dumping ground for, well... everything! Start by clearing out obvious trash and items you no longer need. Group similar items together and look into installing shelving or pegboards for better organisation.

Day 20: Cookware Cull

How many pots and pans do you really need? Go through your cookware and keep only what you regularly use. Donate excess items to a local charity or shelter — your unused bakeware could be someone else's treasure!

Day 21: Linen Closet Love

Sort through your linens, towels, and blankets. Keep only what you need and donate the rest to animal shelters or homeless shelters.

Tip: You can cut up old, worn-out towels to use as cleaning rags.

Day 22: Car Cleanout

A car being cleaned out


Your car deserves some decluttering too! Remove any unnecessary items and give it a good vacuum.

Day 23: Outdoor Items

Remember your outdoor spaces! Clear your patio, balcony, or yard of unnecessary items. Store seasonal items when you don't need them, and make sure everything has a proper home.

Day 24: Downsize Your Holiday Decorations  

Sort through your holiday decorations. Keep only the items you truly love and use. Entertain the idea of donating excess decorations to a local school or community centre.

Day 25: Pet Project

If you have furry friends, they probably have their fair share of stuff too. Sort through their toys, bedding, and supplies. Donate gently used items to a local animal shelter.

Day 26: Shower Power

Streamline your shower supplies. Consider switching to multi-use products to reduce the number of bottles cluttering up your space. A clutter-free shower is a zen shower!

Day 27: Cable Control

Tackle that tangle of cables behind your TV or computer. Label cords for easy identification and use cable ties or organisers to keep them neat and tidy.

Day 28: Sentimental Journey

We've avoided it long enough — it is time to sort through those sentimental items. Keep what truly matters to you and find ways to display or use these special pieces in your daily life.

Day 29: Second Sweep

Take another walk through your home. Did you miss any clutter hotspots? Now's your chance to tackle them!

Day 30: Celebrate Your Success!

You did it! Take a moment to admire your newly decluttered home. Then, treat yourself to something special — maybe a nice dinner or relaxing spa day. You've earned it!

Remember, decluttering is a journey, not a destination. The key is to develop habits that prevent clutter from building up again. Try to do a quick tidy-up each day and reassess your belongings regularly.


Self Storage for Declutter

Len’s Self Storage facility in Scotland


As you embark on your decluttering journey, remember that Len's Self Storage is here to support you every step. Sometimes, you may come across items that you need more time to part with but that are cluttering up your newly organised space. That's where we come in!

Our secure, clean, and affordable storage units offer the perfect solution for those seasonal items, sentimental treasures, or belongings you're just not sure about yet. By using Len's Self Storage, you can enjoy the benefits of a clutter-free home while still keeping your options open. Plus, with our flexible rental terms and various unit sizes, you can find the perfect fit for your needs.

Get your quote today!